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Energy Performance Certificate

[8-September-17 8:37:02]
The 3 new decrees for the implementation of the law 90 will come into force on 1 October 2015. And the changes will be remarkable,...


SCIA, without the condominium approval

[23-September-15 8:43:16]
CONDOMINIUM Permit to build or SCIA, what if there is no condominium approval Free way to permit construction, even though there is no condominium consent!...

Tax on air conditioners

[31-August-15 9:22:59]
This is a novelty that has been introduced in Italy already in 2014 in line with European environmental protection standards and which entails the obligation...

Decrees implementing law 90

[30-July-15 8:45:08]
RISTRUTTURAZIONI BARI Decrees implementing law 90 and new APE 2015, published the minimum requirements decrees, guidelines and technical report.  Ristrutturazioni Bari Download

65% deductions : send to ENEA

[29-June-15 8:47:45]
Failure to produce the receipt of documentation to Enea does not compromise the 65% deductions for the energy upgrading of buildings, if the execution of...

The Agency Circular n. 17/E/2015

[23-May-15 8:48:51]
The Agency Circular n. 17/E/2015 addresses and clarifies various interpretative issues regarding tax deductions, deductible charges, employee income tax and indirect taxes on: – health...

APE Energy Certification

[4-May-15 8:50:33]
REGIONE PUGLIA APE Energy Certification: Once again, the rules for energy certification change. Important changes from the new APE model to the new minimum requirements...

New Plant Libraries arrive

[28-January-15 8:55:13]
HOUSE: New Plant Libraries arrive. Register not only boilers and heating systems, but also air conditioning systems and solar systems. Read it on Sole 24...


Central heating costs are finally under control

[2-July-14 8:56:24]
Central heating costs are finally under control. The legislative decree approved by the Government on June 30, which imposes thermoregulation in all buildings, is law....